Year of Mercy with Pope Francis



“If we look at Jesus,

Wisdom of the Incarnate God,

we realise that difficulties

become challenges,

challenges appeal to hope,

and hope makes us joyfully aware

that we are creators

of something new,

thus encouraging us to continue

giving the best of ourselves. “


A Christmas Message from Father Cyril

As I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas I also express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, friendship and support for me personally and your commitment to our parish community. May the infant Jesus bless and protect you all with good health, peace and joy. May our families become visible and credible signs of God’s generous love, peace, unity, reconciliation and joy in our world of secularism and religious fundamentalism. I assure you of my special  prayers during our Christmas Holy Masses.



Holy Cross Church

May 2016 be a Holy Year of Mercy experiencing God’s special grace, protection, challenges and surprises.