Our Community

Father Cyril Thadathil Parish Priest

Father Cyril Thadathil
Parish Priest

We are a vibrant, diverse parish community made up of many nationalities and cultures, journeying together to proclaim the message of peace, joy and reconciliation, enabling the next generation to build up a happy, healthy family, society and nation.

Parish Ministries and Groups

There are many different gifts, but it is always the same spirit’ (Cor 12:4)

Ministers of the Word and Eucharist


Those who undertake the duties of the Liturgical Ministries are very aware of their privilege to serve the parish community in their respective ministries and mission.

Ministers of the Word proclaim God’s word to the parish community. This is done with careful and prayerful preparation. Ministers represent all ages and cultures within the parish community.

Ministers of the Eucharist are blessed to have a special bond with the community as they distribute Holy Communion at Mass. They also enter into the lives and share the burdens of those who are sick and housebound when they take Holy Communion out to people at home. This is both a ministry and a mission.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers

At Holy Cross we have a strong team of altar servers who are devoted to their ministry. Their duties include carrying the cross, candles or thurible, but their main duty is to help the priest during the Mass and to help each other.

Anyone who has made their first communion is welcome to come and join us as an altar server.


Sacristans have the responsibility of ensuring that the vessels, linen, candle holders and items used during the Mass are clean and ready for use. They prepare the chalices, ciborium, hosts, wine, corporal, finger bowl and towel. They check that the Mass books for the Liturgy of the Word are on the lectern and ready for use and that Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of the Word are in attendance. After each Mass, they then clear everything away and leave things ready for the next Mass.

It is an unseen, yet very necessary ministry in the parish.

Holy Cross Choir

Our mission is to serve the liturgy and enable the congregation to take an active part in parish worship. We are a small dedicated group who sacrifice our time each week to prepare music which reinforces the central Gospel message. Our choice of music is taken from many different styles and traditions which reflect the diverse cultural congregation at Holy Cross. We are committed to our ministry and take great time and care when rehearsing so that we can make the best offering we can at each service. We begin each practice with the Novena to St Jude and we entrust our ministry to him. Our major role is to sing at all services in Holy Cross but we also go out to sing and give witness in other churches and venues in the local community.  It is a great privilege to lead such a loyal hard working group and to now have a flourishing youth music group who bring such joy to the community when they lead the music at Mass.

St Jude’s Choir

St Jude's Choir

We look forward to our music class and enjoy preparing music for Mass and other occasions. We are growing together in faith, friendship and developing the talents God has given us. We work hard to play and sing as well as we can and really appreciate the encouragement that Fr Cyril and the community give us. It is lovely to see the smiles on people’s faces when we play and sing.

Catechetical Ministry

 The definitive aim of the parish catechist is to give our children and their parents a loving and intimate relationship with Jesus by enabling them to grasp, at their own particular level, the greatness of the mystery of the Incarnation. We help them to see how we, as Church, enter into these mysteries in our Sunday Eucharist, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and other parish celebrations.

Through instruction, sharing and music, we also lead the children to appreciate more fully how wonderful it is to be part of God’s family and thus come to realise the greatness of the sacrament of Baptism.

Children’s Liturgy


Children’s Liturgy takes place during Sunday Mass. The children of the parish come together to participate in the Liturgy of the Word. They (and some of their parents) meet in the Sacristy with the approved adult Liturgy leaders, who take them on a journey through the Gospel of the day, This part of the celebration is simplified, whilst maintaining its liturgical character, in a way that allows the children to access the Gospel in an age appropriate way.

We enjoy listening to the Gospel, singing songs, reciting prayers and carrying out activities linked to the Gospel and Mass theme. We encourage full and conscious active participation, which is focused on meeting the age, understanding and ability of the young.

Welcome Ministry

The parish of the Holy Cross strives to be very friendly.  First impressions count and many people appreciate the smile and welcome at the church doors each weekend.  To be welcomed is a sign of the love that exists in our community for one another.  Being a Welcomer is an opportunity to serve this parish by extending hospitality to all those who come to our church.

Parish Advisory Group

The Parish Advisory group is made up of a cross section of parishioners together with our Parish Priest. Through good communication and working together as a team, we aim to achieve two primary goals:

to deepen our faith through the Liturgy

to deepen interpersonal relationships by developing community

Our tasks and responsibilities include assisting in the planning of Liturgical events and celebrations; social and fundraising activities; parish finance.We will, on an ongoing basis, encourage participation from groups and individuals so that all ages and cultures have a voice and a responsibility in achieving the primary goals and vision for our parish community.

Saint Vincent de Paul Society – SVP

We have a very active SVP group in our parish. We visit parishioners in hospitals, nursing homes and at home. Our help is available also for anyone who needs support to understand legal documents, filling in forms, shopping etc.

We organise a Christmas party and summer afternoon tea every year in the parish hall, as well as arranging a summer trip for senior parishioners.

We are always ready to help, in any way we can,  people in the community who ask for assistance

Youth Group

Holy Cross is blessed with a thriving group of young adults who meet together on the first Sunday of each month. The group was originally initiated by Fr. Cyril. Standing around the altar of our church with the Confirmation class of 2013/14 Fr. Cyril asked, ‘Have you enjoyed your time of being together and preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?’

The reply given, with lots of smiling faces and nodding heads, ‘We have.’

‘Would you like to continue meeting together?’

There was a unanimous ‘Yes’ and the rest, as they say, is history!

Our young adults are involved in both the sacred and secular life of the parish. They have opportunities to read at Mass, to serve coffee in the hall, to help out at the Summer Fete.

As our young people grow and develop through their teenage years we want them to deepen their Faith so that they can become informed and engaged Catholic adults. Our monthly meetings are a combination of formation, instruction, healthy debate and fun! But if you ask any of our young people they would say, ‘Mostly we just like being together!’

Knitting Group

It was an instant success with little effort and in a very short space of time! Someone made a suggestion, someone wrote a notice in the bulletin and a few parishioners started to discuss possibilities. Within one month Holy Cross had a thriving knitting group.

Sixteen people attended the first meeting, some accomplished knitters, some complete beginners but all with one thing in common- enthusiasm. Ladies with immense experience of knitting or crocheting were keen to pass on their skills.  Learners diligently persevered juggling wool and needles as they tried to acquire a new skill.

The group have already stitched more than 200 squares to make blankets for those in need. There are baby’s booties, hats for young children, scarfs and many other items. There are no rules and no formalities. Anyone is welcome and the group is not exclusively female!  You can knit what you wish for yourself, for a charity or both.

Members of the group meet in the parish hall after Mass on Friday mornings. The atmosphere is relaxed and calming. If you would like to develop a new skill, return to an old hobby or join others to enjoy creating new garments why not join us?